Nokia 225 Green Online Buy
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This smooth, matte plastic slab is available in gray, green, or white. It measures 5.17 by 2.09 by 0.54 inches (HWD) and weighs only 3.5 ounces; it's a little taller than the less expensive Nokia 225, but still easy to slip into a pocket. There's a basic 2.4-inch, 320-by-240-pixel LCD under an easily scratched, but not easily cracked, plastic panel.
Capture your precious moments on special occasions or a social gathering with Nokia 225. A 2MP camera at the rear side of the phone helps you to click crystal clear images with bright colors. Once clicked, you could easily share these images by connecting to your friends through social media circles like Facebook and Twitter. You no longer need to download these platforms from the online store because these have already been loaded in the phone. Besides these, Nokia Xpress browser makes browsing easy by consuming minimum power. File transfer is also made easy through Slam, which provides an easy way to share digital media files over Bluetooth. You can enjoy your memories later after you have stored your files on the microSD card. You can expand the storage capacity of this elegant Nokia phone to up to 32GB.
This is the first of two articles evaluating the three leading screen magnifiers: LunarPlus, version 5.1, from Dolphin Computer Access; MAGic, version 8.02, from Freedom Scientific; and ZoomText Xtra, version 8.0, from Ai Squared. For this product evaluation, we developed a list of the most commonly used features of and problems with integrated screen magnification and speech programs, including training materials, online help, ease of installation, control panel, magnification features, viewing options, color and contrast settings, tracking, and speech output. The programs' performance for each feature in accessing Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, and Outlook Express was evaluated.
The online Help feature of LunarPlus is easy to access through its main control panel and dialog boxes. Like the manual, however, the Help feature is poorly organized, and there is an excess of information on topics that are not specific to LunarPlus. We also tried unsuccessfully to access online Help using the LunarPlus hotkey (right shift key with a forward slash).
LunarPlus offers a variety of color settings and the ability to customize the tint, brightness, and contrast of the colors. It also offers the ability to adjust colors from light to dark, so a green can range from light green to dark green.
LunarPlus 5.1 is a robust screen magnification program that incorporates basic speech output. Its strengths are its advanced color and contrast features that enable users to customize the screen to their preferences and visual needs; mouse and keyboard tracking with accuracy in most programs and windows; and speech output support, particularly in Word and Excel. Its weaknesses are in its audio CD training tutorial; poorly organized and difficult-to-understand audio CD manual and online help; the multi- tiered control panel that is not user friendly; and the limited access with speech on the Internet and with Outlook Express. The manufacturer needs to develop stronger support for the Internet and e-mail as well as program-specific training materials. Part 2 of this evaluation will examine how two other new magnification systems compare with Lunar Plus.
Book Port debuted in May 2003. Created by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), the device is a handheld reader that is compatible with DAISY, text, Word, HTML, BRF, and MP3 files. Book Port utilizes a DoubleTalk speech synthesizer and doubles as a digital voice recorder. Book Port connects to a PC computer via a USB port, and downloads can be queued when the device is not connected. The lightweight device operates on two AA batteries. The full Book Port manual is available online: . The cost is $395. Contact: APH; phone: 800-223-1839 or 502-895-2405.
Share your technology insights with the world. Presentations are invited for Techshare, the November 2003 Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB) technology conference. In addition to focusing on technology, presentations should relate to one of the four themes of the conference: learning, work, digital society, or technology showcase. Submit online at: . The deadline is July 31, 2003. Contact: RNIB; phone: 44-121-665-4230.
It is possible to add a keyboard or mouse to your FreedomBox with the new Flexible User Interface. Infrared/Sound/Touch functionality is also available. FreedomBox software provides speech-equipped PC access to selected web sites and to the FreedomBox online community. FreedomBox costs $99-$1,499; Internet access is extra. Contact: Serotek; phone: 877-661-3785; web site: .
Pulse Data hosts the BrailleNote Club, an online community for BrailleNote and VoiceNote users aged 7 to 17. Join the club by visiting and receive a free BrailleNote Club Member's Pack. Club members are able to e-mail other club members, trade files, and contribute stories and poems. Contact: Pulse Data; phone: 800-722-3393 or 925-680-7100.
Virtual Pencil 1.0, the first product from Henter Math, is computer software designed to allow interactive access to mathematics. Meant to be used by people who cannot effectively use a pencil because of visual, motor, or learning disabilities, the Virtual Pencil is a tool that can be used to interactively solve a math problem. Guided by the user with keyboard or voice commands, the Virtual Pencil is described as a \"'smart' pencil that knows where to put the immediate answers, where to put the final answers, and where to get the raw numbers that are used to get the answers.\" The software has two modes of operation. The tutor mode demonstrates how to navigate around math problems and solve them, and online help is available. The test mode requires the student to know how to navigate the problem and where to put the answers. Teachers can use Virtual Pencil to create an assignment or test, password protect it, and then send the test or assignment to the student via e-mail, save it to a disk, or emboss it in braille. The current version of Virtual Pencil is designed to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and work with decimals. Future versions will be designed for higher levels of mathematics, such as algebra, trigonometry, differential equations, and calculus. The cost is $99. For more information, contact: Henter Math; phone: 727-347-1313; e-mail: ; web site: .
You, our current subscribers, are extremely important in this transition. Whether you have subscribed recently, or have been reading AccessWorld since the first issue, we want you to move with us to the web. We want your input on the transition and on what types of features you would like us to add online.
We note that for the MFCC-IFC fusion method, a parameter β has to be adjusted. For this reason, we vary experimentally β between zero and one, until we get the best result (minimum error). The value corresponding to this result is obtained for β = 0.5. The curves corresponding to the MFCC-IFC method with this configuration are depicted in green color.
Popular culture figures in television, movies, comics, video games and online videos have captured the imaginations of young people. The themes and characters of shows students watch regularly help shapetheir views on contemporary issues, especially as they compare their experiences with those portrayed on their favorite shows (Duff, 2002). Lisa Patel Stevens (2001) points out that it helps to create student engagement to use non-print materials as pedagogical artifacts as students regularly engage in dynamicmultiliteracies through their personal media choices, the content of which constitutes part of their conversations with fellow students.
More U.S. corporations than ever before now factor climate change into the risks and opportunities faced by their businesses, according to a report released today by the Carbon Disclosure Project, a coalition of institutional investors with more than $21 trillion in assets. Increased interest from the investment community, in conjunction with related macro-economic developments, is encouraging the development of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 59ce067264